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How do I get the seed file for the wallet daemon to generate?

I am trying to set up the wallet daemon on a ubuntu instance in AWS so that I can interact with the canary enjin testnet. I have followed the steps in the enjin quick start guide, using the canary api key and leaving the config.json data as initially generated (with the canary details). When I run the command "sudo docker compose build --no-cache", the seed file mentioned in the quick start guide is not in the store directory. Is there a way that I can manually execute a command to generate the seed file, or are there any other things I should be looking out for? I have gone through the config.json and .env file numerous time, but I can't resolve the issue. If I could have help figuring out what might be causing this, that would be great. Thanks in advance.

how can i trace matrixchain docker image new release?

i am wondering if there is something like github release for matrixchain so that i can be notified that there is a new image for matrixchain

Sending funds from Enjin to another Chain

Hi! i'm trying to another wallet but i get an insufficien balance message and cannot send anything. <br /> I have only 210 USDT that is all i saved and cannot move it in or out. <br /> Would you please help me with this? <br /> my account email is [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

Login Issue

i can login on the App easily but when i try to login engin.io through my laptop on a chrome browser it shows some login error ?

I want to create a token, unlimited supply - Where do I start?

I want to create a token - with an unlimited supply, how do I get started with this? I'd like to use Enjin as my base but I really don't have much and I want to test it out before I launch - Is there anything I can do to make this happen?

some one using my email for register enjin project clound

some one using my email for register enjin project clound the register verification link sent to my email i didn't click it but when i go to enjin website and ask for password reset the site sent me an password reset link that mean they already using my email to registered. plz secure the register plz the hacker just use my email to register without my permission . ! and now the enjin site can't login or it'say ERROR for site owner: Invalid site key

some one using my email for register enjin project clound

some one using my email for register enjin project clound the register verification link sent to my email i didn't click it but when i go to enjin website and ask for password reset the site sent me an password reset link that mean they already using my email to registered. plz secure the register plz the hacker just use my email to register without my permission . ! and now the enjin site can't login or it'say ERROR for site owner: Invalid site key

log in

I can't access my enjin wallet, my password doesn't work and I didn't changed it

Enjin Platform synchronization issue

Hello, I am setting up self hosted enjin platform. I want to query all information from marketplace and not only data limited to my collection. I got issue with sync. When I setup everything locally with docker syncer is getting stuck. I am doing everything according to docs: <https://docs.enjin.io/docs/open-source-platform> ![](https://files.readme.io/8b5ad33-image.png) I thought maybe I just setup it in wrong way, so I decided to setup the platform on Digital Ocean. <https://docs.enjin.io/docs/cloud-hosting> I am following all the steps and it got stuck as well: ![](https://files.readme.io/ca541db-image.png) It's like this for whole night. I would say ~16h. Can you please validate your docs and please let me know if it's issue on my side?

Please help a C++ SDK beginner

The SDK tutorial starts with: "Direct integration of the SDKs into game clients is strictly not recommended due to potential security risks and exposure of your secret. Including server API tokens/keys within the games can lead to major risks if discovered by others, since they could make unauthorized calls on the server." So where does this C++ code go: using namespace enjin::platform::sdk; using namespace std; unique_ptr<PlatformClient> client = PlatformClient::Builder() .SetBaseAddress("https\://<platform-host>") .Build(); If not in the game client exe? Thanks.